Dynamic Performance & Rehab is a private-pay, out-of-network rehab and
performance center. Before you get concerned, out-of-network physical
therapy will likely save you more time, money and resources while also
helping you achieve your desired results.
Dynamic Performance & Rehab chooses an out-of-network model for our
practice. In an out-of-network treatment model, our PT enters into an
agreement with you to provide physical therapy services. In this agreement,
the services are agreed upon in a manner that both parties have decided
upon. During the course of the agreement, you will pay at the time of service,
and there are no surprise bills. Using this model allows us to focus on
providing direct, one-on-one care while keeping administrative costs low.
In an Out of Network Model, you may pay for services using actual cash, a
check, a credit/debit card, or with your HSA. We can submit to your insurance
on your behalf to curb your out-of-pocket expense. Most insurance
companies, with the exception of Medicare, Medicaid, and some HMOs,
provide reimbursement for services received “out of network”.
Out of Network does not mean our team lacks the education, qualifications,
and accreditations necessary to provide you with best-in-class medical care.
Our team has a background in strength, conditioning, and human
performance to go well beyond rehab and help you live your happiest,
healthiest life.